Member Spotlight: Chris Dickerson

Posted By: Emily Sudar Member Spotlight,

We've brought back the Member Spotlight series so we can all get to know each other better.  Do you know a WLIA colleague that you think people should know?  Let us know at and send us their contact information.  We may not get to everyone, but we'll try!

It’s a great pleasure to introduce you all to Chris Dickerson, an LIS Analyst at Waukesha County and new WLIA board member as of 2024.  There’s a lot of great things that can said about Chris. As a coworker, I get to appreciate his dedication to learning and achievement, love of philosophical discourse, and willingness to come to the table and leave the world of our work a bit better each day.  You can find him at WLIA events buzzing around connecting with GIS professionals from many walks of life, and if you get the chance to talk with him, I’m sure your day or evening is a bit more fun for it.  Without further ado, here's a bit more about Chris. 

How did you come to your current profession or job? 

Hard work 😉! I stumbled into my first GIS course after switching my major to Business – Management of Information Systems with a focus on Project Management. I started working in GIS immediately after my first class learning about data distribution for the American Geographical Society Library.

Shortly after, I was hired by Harley-Davidson as an IT Intern, while starting my Masters of Urban Planning with a Certificate in GIS. By happen stance I assisted some folks at HD that were using GIS and transitioned into a contractor role working with them. I was exposed to broader spatial analytics for market research and deployed & implemented my first Enterprise system.

Following HD, I took a position as an Urban and Regional Planner using GIS for statewide systems planning for WisDOT. I completed training in process improvement which galvanized my resolve to continue down the path to learn how to code and automate processes. I eventually transitioned into a GIS Analyst/Forecaster where I supported regional construction projects and started developing more applications.

Finally, I stepped in to my role as a LIS Analyst. Here I’ve been able to bring all my skill sets together. I manage and administrate the Waukesha County’s Enterprise GIS, that is hosted in AWS as well as develop in Python and create tools and web applications.

What’s your most favorite part and least favorite part of your job?

Favorite: Problem Solving and exploring new technology. Each year technology advances with something new and shiny and it is fun to see what wonders these fun trinkets can do. Also, connecting with others using GIS and assisting with tool and application development.

Least Favorite: Creating large digitized features with a high level of accuracy and precision by hand when geography is detailed.

What’s the best advice someone has ever given you?

Don’t be afraid to fail from time to time; if you do come up short, do so with intention. Learn how to play your game.

What do you like to do for fun?  (Hobbies, volunteer work, etc)

Disc Golf, exploring new music, Play Music (instrument: Bass, Band: Chris Haise Band), Hike, Bike, Canoe/Kayak, Board games, carpentry, gardening

How long have you been playing with Chris Haise Band, and what kind of music do you all play?  Is there any style you think you bring to the group or any inspirations for the music you play?

3 years, American (indie folk rock). Think Bob Dylan, meets late The Beatles style rock and roll. I think I bring a little more Soul/Jazz/R&B influence with style of play.

What’s something most people wouldn’t guess about you?

I grew up in Europe for 7 years, Lived on the two islands (Iceland, Sicily)

Play in a band where I have collaborated on 2 albums

Play Disc Golf competitively (not as much as I used too) and have played in two Amateur World Tournaments. Played in about 20 states

What was your experience like living in Italy? 

Naive to the experience at first. I was kid learning how to travel. It wasn't until later that I realized I lived a very carefree free childhood running around the streets of the town we lived in. With only one English speaking TV channel, in a world pre internet we spent the days outside. If we weren't outside, we were watching the latest movie we got from the local video rental store well after its American debut (RIP Blockbuster equivalent). In the end the small town communities and the open space were so fun to be a part of.

Where would you most like to travel to and why?

Australia/New Zealand, I have never been, and it seems like fun. Just a bucket list item.

What would you want to do out in Australia and/or New Zealand if you were to go out there? Are there any things you like to do when you travel to new places?

All the tourist things but at least some spend a week traveling from Melbourne to Brisbane hitting a bunch of spots along the east side of the continent.  New Zealand all of their national and forest parks. I would seek a disc golf course in both location too.

PSST.. Chris' band, Chris Haise Band, just released their latest album Busy People.  If you want some good music for the rest of your work day I recommend giving it a listen.  You can check it out on their website or on most other music platforms.