Why Join WLIA?
Reasons to join YOUR Wisconsin Land Information Association
- Being part of a professional association is a critical part of your own career development.
- Receive reduced registration rates for all of our meetings and events.
- Learn about spatial information technologies through regular conferences, meetings, and special seminars.
- Influence technical standards that affect you and your organization.
- Network and socialize with others who share your interests in GIS and land information in Wisconsin.
- Unite with your peers to influence land records policy and laws through a common voice.
- Search the WLIA Member Directory or interact on the WLIA Slack Workspace to find people who can help when you get stuck on a technical problem.
- Volunteer to support your profession by serving on committees and workgroups, It's a satisfying and rewarding experience.
- Access past conference materials, presentations, news, standards and much more on the WLIA website.
- Without members, WLIA ceases to exist. No more annual conference, no regional events, no advocacy at the state level. In short, joining WLIA is the right thing to do!
Consider joining Wisconsin’s premier association of geospatial professionals. Without you, WLIA would not exist! You can choose from one of four different membership options.
From WLIA Members...
“This organization is the premier land records professional group in Wisconsin. It offers great opportunities for education, statewide issues, as well as networking with land records professionals.”
- Jodi Helgeson, Register of Deeds, Adams County and 20+ year WLIA member
“I felt a sense of belonging to something bigger than my job and really valuable to many people. I have built relationships with many people I would not have had an opportunity to meet during my usual work interactions. This is a way to learn through experience, and then give back to a broad group of people.”
- Barb Gibson, GIS Admin, Vilas County and 13+ year WLIA member
“[I joined the WLIA] to meet a prospective employer; [I] thought as long as I was there (and the price was right; as a student)… I did get the job.”
- Joe Barstow, GIS Technician, City of Onalaska and 20+ year WLIA member
“As a WLIA member, [I] have received these benefits over the years: learning new GIS concepts in sessions, making new or re-establishing networks, and being able to trouble-shoot and discuss ideas with others.”
- Dan Seidensticker, GIS Specialist, Madison Area Transportation Planning Board and 20+ year WLIA member
“[WLIA] is a current information source regarding WI geospatial and industry events, continued networking opportunities and interactions with my professional colleagues around the state, and WLIA connections got me my current job.”
- Gale Shea, Mapping Sales Rep, Seiler Instruments and 5+ year WLIA member