Task Forces
Current and Past Task Force Activity
Task Forces spring from the Technical Committee to bring together a team of subject matter experts and stakeholders. They generally address a time-sensitive issue and/or produce standards to move an initiative forward based on best practices, research, and collaborative discussion. Once the task is complete, the task force is dissolved.
Judicial Officers Privacy Task Force (2024 - Present)
The newly formed Judicial Privacy task force will look deep into the issues and challenges surrounding land records management and Judicial Officer Privacy in Wisconsin. This work is likely to have two primary research and collaboration areas -- to engage and work in partnership with a broad range of key stakeholders in developing: (1) technical implementation strategies and best practices; (2) educational documentation to inform legislation.
The following document was prepared by the task force to assist WLIA members (and others) in both preparation and planning for the implementation of Act 235 on April 1, 2025: How to Prepare for Wisconsin 2023 Act 235
This next document was prepared by the task force as a framework to guide public agencies as they prepare to comply with implementation of Act 235 on April 1, 2025: Navigating Compliance Wisconsin 2023 Act 235
NextGen 911 Task Force (2017 – Present)
The WLIA NextGen 911 task force was created on July 24, 2017 under the standing Committee on Technical Issues and Information Policies.
The Interoperability Council is to assist Department of Military Affairs (DMA) to implement a statewide public safety interoperable communication system (WISCOM). A Director of Emergency Communications will be created in DMA and be appointed by Adjutant General (head of DMA). A 911 Subcommittee of the Interoperability Council will be formed and will submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature by January 1, 2019. This 19 member subcommittee will:
- Make recommendations for changing the statutory authority of the Interoperability Council
- Give a description of the progress made toward creating a statewide public safety interoperable communication system
- Give a description of the obstacles that hinder the progress toward interoperability
- Make recommendations for executive or legislative action to promote interoperability
A member of this subcommittee will be an individual recommended by a Wisconsin association of land information professionals. This member will server a 3 year term on this subcommittee.
- Define a process in which the task force will select a nominee to be appointed to the 911 Subcommittee
- Select a member to be appointed to the 911 Subcommittee
- Report to WLIA on happenings in the 911 Subcommittee
- Support the appointed member of the 911 Subcommittee
- Educate WLIA on NextGen 911Provide reports and documentation
- Provide updates/presentations at WLIA conferences
- Perform outreach to groups, organizations and individuals who need or have relevant information regarding NextGen 911
- Coordinate with other geospatial organizations in matters concerning NextGen 911
Parcel Data Modeling
- The PDMTF was tasked to do the necessary research, analysis, and coordination to publish and present a report on best practices and suggested data models for developing published interoperable parcel mapping across Wisconsin.
- Document Archive
Wisconsin Orthoimagery (2007 – 2008)
- Created in April 2007, the Wisconsin Orthoimagery Task Force (WOTF) was tasked to complete the necessary research, analysis, and coordination to develop strategies and recommendations to achieve the ultimate goal of statewide acquisition of digital orthoimagery in 2010. These recommendations guided the Wisconsin Regional Orthophotography Consortium (WROC) and will accomplish the goal of statewide imagery in 2010.
- Orthoimagery Task Force Final Report
- Document Archive
Emergency Management (2004 – 2006)
- Created in 2004, The Emergency Management Task Force (EMTF) to identify the need and scope of a statewide emergency management geospatial strategy. From February 2005 through March 2006, a diverse group of Wisconsin GIS and emergency management professionals identified, researched, and discussed a range of issues and barriers related to the successful application of geospatial technologies to support emergency management activities in Wisconsin. The EMTF final report identified 15 key recommendations categorized into four areas: coordination, policies, infrastructure, and education.
- Emergency Management Task Force Final Report
- Document Archive
Wisconsin Coordinate Systems (2003 – 2006)
- The WCS Task Force was formed by the State Cartographer’s Office in early 2004. The intent in forming the TF was to explore concerns raised by a number of GIS users over apparent errors and inconsistencies in data conversions to and from the Wisconsin County Coordinate System (WCCS). The SCO asked a variety of individuals representing the governmental, academic, and private sectors to serve on the Task Force.
- For additional information, see the State Cartographer’s Office coordinate reference systems page.
- Final Report
- Document Archive
Information Policy (1999 – 2005)
- In 1999, WLIA formed the Information Policies Task Force to provide research, analysis and education related to land information access and distribution in the Wisconsin Land Information Program. The Information Policy Task Force disbanded in 2005. Continuing information policy work has been tasked to the Committee on Technical Issues and Information Policy.
- Document Archive