Track Spotlight: You Get a SIG...YOU Get a SIG...
Today we spotlight not a track per se, but our Special Interest Groups at the upcoming Annual Conference. For all the latest details, check the Event Page and the News so you don't miss a thing. All SIGs occur from 4-5pm on Thursday, except the DEI SIG which is at 7 am. For room locations, have your mobile schedule at the ready!
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We are a workgroup within the geospatial community that believes in an environment where all are welcome, people can be their true authentic self, and will have their voices understood and valued. We strive to connect with as many people as possible and offer a chair at the table in order for our geospatial community to reflect the diversity of the world we live in. Just as a map is incomplete without a title, a compass, a legend, and a scale, the geospatial community is incomplete without inclusion, representation, and open-minded thinking. Come join us for breakfast and conversation as we share our experiences and discuss how we might affect change.
The Lidar Special Interest Group has been meeting at WLIA for nearly 10 years. We provide an open forum for both new and experienced users to discuss data uses, accuracy, technology changes, software, data extraction, culvert mapping, water studies, challenges with Lidar, and more. Basic topics of discussion include:
- Improving Industry Standards and Specifications
- UAS Lidar vs Photogrammetry
- Industry Trends
- Lidar in Wisconsin
While we plan to hit a few key topics, this an open discussion so bring your questions, ideas, use cases, or just come to learn.
The NG911 SIG is a forum to get together with others to discuss issues, challenges and opportunities. At this meeting, we will be discussing the recent DMA GIS Grant program and learn what programs were funded and which were not. We will be discussing publishing standards for address points and street centerlines using the WLIA and NENA standards. We are also looking to have those that are in the NG911 Onboarding process with AT&T to share their experience and what could be improved. This meeting is an open forum to get feedback and share thoughts and strategies. We are also looking for future discussion items for the NG911 SIG and suggestions for future WLIA meetings.
Small Business
Come to the Small Business SIG and take the next step toward your entrepreneurial dream. Are you thinking of starting a business outside of your day job? Or are you already a small business owner looking to network? We are trying to bring together like-minded individuals passionate about small business ownership. You'll have the opportunity to share experiences, network, and gain insights into other small businesses.
Developers SIG (Python)
Automation, Design, Process deployment, we are talking Python! Come meet other aspiring coders/developers, all skill levels welcome. We'll be talking briefly about functional coding and can show some practical examples. We can talk basic foundation elements, ELT process, and even Python API as we look at server management. Bring your questions or a process you’re working on and we can all brainstorm together.
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) SIG is an informal peer-led discussion focusing on sharing knowledge, experience and solving UAS-related issues that government and industry encounter when adopting this rapidly evolving technology. This is an opportunity to discuss recent developments in UAS including compliance with the FAA Remote ID deadline coming in September, the move to US-government approved 'blue listing' of hardware by many government entities and the proliferation of new aircraft and sensor vendors. Come join the conversation or simply come to learn.
The Municipal and Utilities Group (MUG) is looking forward to seeing you at the WLIA 2023 Annual Conference. We are looking to continue the dialogue with you about challenges and successes you have had in the Municipal government and Utility sectors throughout the year. We also will be discussing reviving our free MUG Friday conference in the Fall, share our experiences and best practices on a variety of topics, and networking.