Dr. Alan P. Vonderohe The Wisconsin Land Information Association held its 35th Annual Conference February 23rd – 25th, 2022. As part of the conference, WLIA recognized individuals and organizations for their significant achievements or service to the land information community. This year... Continue Reading
Promotions and information for WLIA Events
The Wisconsin Land Information Association held its 35th Annual Conference February 23rd – 25th, 2022. As part of the conference, WLIA recognized individuals and organizations for their significant achievements or service to the land information community. Kim Meinert of the Waukesha County... Continue Reading
The Wisconsin Land Information Association held its 35th Annual Conference February 23rd – 25th, 2022. As part of the conference, WLIA recognized individuals and organizations for their significant achievements or service to the land information community. Stephen “Steve” J.... Continue Reading
The WLIA Foundation’s Silent Auction raised a record amount this year at the WLIA Annual Conference in Elkhart Lake. Online bidding was fast and furious during the conference, spurred in part by the QR code scanning which made it easy for everyone to bid on their favorite item. The auction... Continue Reading
No Pictures please New this year at WLIA conferences and regional meetings! With the desire to make our annual conference and regional meetings more welcoming to all, we have introduced red lanyards. Not everyone wants to have their picture taken and possibly uploaded to social media... Continue Reading
Annual Conference Keynote Speaker Highlight – Dr. Lucas Joppa Continue Reading
Annual Conference Keynote Speaker Highlight – Dr. Jason Stoker Continue Reading
Annual Conference Keynote Speaker Highlight - Patricia Cummins Continue Reading
The 2021 WLIA Virtual Annual Conference took place in February and if you didn’t get a chance to attend the full event, now is your opportunity to catch up on the wonderful content that was offered! Recordings are now available for public viewing on the WLIA YouTube Channel – 2021... Continue Reading
The votes have been counted and there was a tie for the Best Presentation Award during the 2021 WLIA Virtual Annual Conference! The Wisconsin Land Information Association held its 34th Annual Conference February 15-19, 2021. The Best presentation recipient is determined by popular vote of... Continue Reading
The Wisconsin Land Information Association held its 34th Annual Conference February 15-19, 2021. As part of the conference, WLIA recognized individuals and organizations for their significant achievements or service to the land information community. Kim Meinert was chosen as winner of the 2021... Continue Reading
The Wisconsin Land Information Association held its 34th Annual Conference February 15-19, 2021. As part of the conference, WLIA recognized individuals and organizations for their significant achievements or service to the land information community. This year the Wisconsin Real Property... Continue Reading