Featured Conference Tracks: It's Pro Time!
We're highlighting Tracks for the upcoming Annual Conference to prepare you to See Things in a New Way. The full preliminary agenda is available here and Sched, our online scheduling system, is here. Use Sched to plan your days (& nights!) at the Conference!
We've got three very different topics under the same umbrella during our Pro Time track on Thursday afternoon from 2-3:30pm. ArcGIS Pro is a huge topic and there are three subjects offered that can give you insight on what ArcGIS Pro can do from people who use it for real work every day.
First, join Alex Lange from ProWest & Associates to learn how this desktop software can be integral in making your online space sing. See how ArcGIS Pro can make it easier to manage your ArcGIS Online content and optimize your workflows to save time. Alex told us why he is so excited to share his presentation with you:
“One of the foundational building blocks of ArcGIS Pro is its association to ArcGIS Online and it may be it’s most powerful tool. Editing, Symbology and Publish Services are just a few things that can be enhanced by taking advantage of the relationship between these programs. More importantly they can alter the way data is managed and create efficient processes, which help staff be effective across all GIS or other required tasks.”
Then, hear how Sauk County's journey to ArcGIS Pro Parcel Fabric evolved with Kelly Felton. Even if you're not a parcel mapper, you may be interested in their lessons-learned when undertaking a large migration project. Kelly has advice in that regard:
There’s never a perfect time to migrate your data. Make the commitment, seek support and see it through, embracing the uncertainty to move forward.
Lastly, Lily Chase and Jonathan Kult from the Wisconsin DNR will demonstrate the very handy Map Automation features that ArcGIS Pro offers. You may be old-hat at map series production, but have you tried extending your series with Python scripting? What you learn here may save you hours at your desk!
If you still need some encouragement to embrace ArcGIS Pro, Kelly's team in Sauk County has some further advice, in rap form:
***beatbox sounds***
The Map of Arc
Was gonna go away
They said “Move to Pro –
It will be better that way”
We sulked & pouted:
But we got a little help
And we were barely scarred
New tools and ways of thinking
It was hard at first
But now we’ve learned a lot
And we are over the worst!
Get over to the Event Page for all of the information to get you registered for this great event!
mic drop by Jems Mayor from"https://thenounproject.com/ (CC BY 3.0)